Fly around FM Live and freely peek into our Virtual Life. Every participant joins the swarm and flies along our Bird.
> Become a bird Live from Twitch
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Artist Statement Board
A board that contains infinite various texts and artist statements that one can shuffle through the refresh button.
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Time Boost (2x)
Doubles the speed of linear time when triggered
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Slow-Mo (0.5x)
Slows down the speed of linear time when triggered.
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Aqua Lighter
Triggering this lighter makes water caustic effect/sound on your feet.
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Gun Dictionary
A handgun that defines the object that it shoots at.
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Not Hockney’s Painting
I mean c’mon this is not
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Chairs are well respected in FM, you better believe so too!
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Virtual Cam
Hand held camera - put in anywhere you like and take those selfies you deserve.
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Win98 Energy Drink
It’s ok to feel tired in FM, with these brand new energy drinks keep your booty at maximum efficiency.
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Voice Memo Module
Recorded voice memos can be preserved in FM. Living in the past is not a good idea but there you have it anyways.
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Area of Effect (Time) Shortcuts to different times of the day
Variations: Each color is assigned to a different time. Activates by standing over the tip of the plant
Quality: Shifts time to its assigned time of the day. They can also be placed in a greenhouse. The bigger they are, the longer the duration of that time of the day will be.
Variations: Each color is assigned to a different time. Activates by standing over the tip of the plant
Quality: Shifts time to its assigned time of the day. They can also be placed in a greenhouse. The bigger they are, the longer the duration of that time of the day will be.
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Echo Grapevine
Quality: This plant has a sensitive spot on the top of it. Once fully grown
Can be stimulated which as a result creates a short ripple in time.
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Variations: ---
Quality: Under research
Quality: Under research
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Quality: Absorbs energy from its surrounding. They float in air and can also stick to the ground. Very selfless and kind. These plants can feed a greenhouse. Other use cases are to be discovered.
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Quality: Mainly used to purify surrounding air.
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Arching Saffron
Quality: Their strong and lovely smell brings everyone joy. When in close proximity.
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Fortune Teller (Glière)
Quality: Whoever holds this plant, it lurks into their body and tells them a fortune.
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Area of Effect (Body) Vision / Sound
Quality: Psychedelic / Trippy AF / Reveals different layer of Space-Time / No overdose reported yet
Quality: Psychedelic / Trippy AF / Reveals different layer of Space-Time / No overdose reported yet
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Quality: These rare plants grow in mud ponds. The plant has a core and a branch. The branch leaves the core once fully grown and turns into an independent Lifeform.
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Every plant starts as a seed.

#UnderConstruction #Infinite #knowledge #cryptic #history #theory #blueprints #Enigmatic #Encyclopedia
The Library of False Mirror, containing vast amounts of knowledge from its past, present and future.
Inspired by beit al hikma and library of borges. A Unique Library of all the books published in FM will be available to all our beloved Birds and Citizens.
For now, it’s highly recommended recommended to browse in desktop.
- Nothing is compromised, Everything's safe ~ ︎ BREAKING: Big Chair has committed suicide in SkyVille. ︎ All Birds will have full access to FM soon. ︎ FM Glitch Report: lately by accident, few spaces in FM have been overlapping causing disruptions for citizens. ︎ BREAKING: A seed settled in a pond and gave birth to a new inhabitant of False Mirror, Lena. ︎ This is where you should be. ︎ Some test_Birds found sneaking under the TimeTunnel. ︎ Nobody Needs this information. But I'll give it to you anyhow..︎ If you ever noticed a rude Bird doing toxic stuff please report immediately! ︎ The City was too much for Lena. She needed air and went back to her Home. ︎ Lena discovered a new breeding technique. Turns out, mushrooms can make you see stuff.